Wednesday, July 23, 2008

High Fidelity

"High Fidelity"

Question 1

What is the movie about?

The movie is mainly about a guy that never succeed in love but eventually realize that he needs to settle down and start thinking about having a family and live a normal life like others. His interest was music. He owns a record store. And because he was too obsess with music, he can't manage his own life and didn't realize that his girlfriends got bored of him.

He is quite good looking but always end up breaking up with his girlfriends. Throughout the movie, he tells about all his top five ex girlfrinds, but the fifth seems to be the one he loves most. He broke up up with Laura(his fifth girlfriend) but finally realize that he cannot live without her. In the end, he finally realize that he should know better about himself and try to make changes so that he would't end up with frustration.

Question 2

How is it different from the common fiction?

Usually, when we watch fiction movies, especially love stories, the story will end when the couple got married and lived happily ever after. But in this movie, it doesnt really ends with marriage. In the movie, it only shows the guy proposed the girl but doesn't really show whether at the end they got married or not. Throughout the movie, we can see that the characters is not much different from what we see in the real world. It shows the reality of the real world rather than just a common fiction that sometimes are a bit too unbelievable.

Question 3

Whose your favorite character and why?

My favourite character from the movie "High Fidelity" is Dick. He seems to be the most nicest character in the movie. He works with Rob at the record store. What I like about this character is that he seems to be very polite and quite shy especially with girls. I really love guys like Dick because he respects other people, and very concerned about others especially his close friends, Rob and Barry. What I like most about him is that, throughout the movie, he looks very innocent and the expression on his face can make other people sympathize him.

Question 4

Provide an alternate ending.

The ending that most probably suits this movie will be that although Rob has already proposed Laura, but they won't get married. A guy like Rob will never change or he will end up marrying someone else. In my opinion, the suitable ending will be when suddenly Rob thinks that he can no longer live with Laura because he finally realize that Laura is not suitable for him. Laura is a lawyer and he is just a normal guy that owns a record store. After he meets the a girl, that he thinks suits his stlye and the way of living, he realize that the girl is meant for him. After a few years of dating,in the end, he finally got married and live a happy life with the girl that understand him and have the same interest that he does, that is music.

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