Thursday, August 21, 2008


-My Early Reading History-


R-Reading is one of my hobbies
E-Enid Blyton is my favorite author
A-Always read while listening to the radio
D-Don’t like reading when forced to
I-Interested in reading ghost stories, fiction & interesting jouney
N-Novels are read during my free time ONLY!
G-Got to LOVE reading to increase my vocabulary & improve my language.

I started reading during kindergarten;
the book that I read was mostly about ABC, 123 and so on.
At first I didn’t really enjoy reading because I thought it was just a waste of time but the main reason is because the book or the reading material is very hard to understand & due to that reason, it makes the reading material very boring, dry, dull and uninteresting.
But as time pass by, I started reading books that consist of more words and harder vocab.
At the age of 8, I start reading thick novels and books.
The first book that I manage to finish was a book written by Enid Blyton.
The book was “THE SECRET ISLAND”.
The story was about a bunch young kids who discovered a secret island.
Many things happened at the island.
They even built a hut and lived in the island.
Their journey was an amazing one.
You should get a copy.
Even until now, I still remember what the story, their journey was like.
It was a very interesting book.
The words was very simple to understand and straightforward. That was one of the reasons why I manage to finish off the book.
Besides that, the storyline was attention-grabbing. The author, Enid Blyton managed to attract the readers even at the young age to read.
I learned many new things through the reading.
One of the things that I learned through the reading is how to survive when you’re a lost in some unknown place especially in an island.
Why this book is very important to me, is, because of this book,
I started to read more & more for the reason that I realize that READING is FUN!!!

That was about the first book…
After finding that reading is very enjoyable, I start buying books on GHOST STORIES, FICTION & FAIRYTALE…
As a girl, it is normal reading fairytales such as Snow White, Cinderella, Beauty & the Beast, Aladdin & many more.
My parents usually guide me when reading especially while reading second language reading materials.
What I don’t understand will be explained and my parents will make things clear for me in order to help me comprehend better.
Apart from fairytales, ‘ghost stories’ is also one of my favorite.
Ever heard of that???
When I was studying in Edinburgh, my school holds a book festival every year.
And every time when there was a book festival, I will buy a collection of books written by R.L Stine which is GOOSEBUMPS.
Why I love GOOSEBUMPS is because I love ghost stories.
The way it is written is easy to comprehend, exciting ghost stories, & different from other books on ghost stories that I have read.
Why these books are important to me????
When reading GOOSEBUMPS, I became more imaginative and creative.
In my opinion, R.L Stine is a very creative writer. Not everyone can imagine things that are beyond the human nature, especially things that we ourselves have not even seen that is GHOST…..
Isn’t that right???

AND As a Muslim, I was also exposed to books on Prophets, religious books & Al-Quran.
Usually after maghrib prayer, my father will ask me & my siblings to read a book called “Kisah-kisah Nabi”, “Kisah-Kisah Teladan” and many more.
After reading, my father will question us about the book to test our understanding of the books.
By doing so, it forces me to really concentrate on the reading and automatically I manage to memorize especially stories about out Prophets.
Besides that, after the reading, I realize that there are many good messages that can be learned and applied in our living.
Such book focuses on the moral of the story.
I learned on how to become a good Muslims from these types of reading material.

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