Saturday, September 13, 2008


Ramadan finally returns. This is the 21 time I am celebrating Ramadan. And soon Aidilfitri will arrive. That is the time everybody’s waiting for. This semester, fasting is quite exhausting. The weather is getting hotter and hotter day by day. And sometimes, heavy rain comes. And because of the rain, i have to cancel my plan going to the bazaar. The weather is unpredictable. The first day of fasting started quite fine because there was no class on that particular day. UiTM was on holiday. I break fast at home with my beloved family.Me and my mother cooked Nasi Ayam, favorite...

The second day of fasting was on Tuesday. I had class until 5pm. It was very exhausting because I started class early in the morning. At about 8am I was already at the faculty and finished class at 5pm. It was alreadt late at the evening. I know, if i go home at that particular time, it means that i will be breaking fast in the bus or at the bustop. I decided to break fast at the faculty with my friends, Irwan,Tajul and Niza. That day, I eat rice and ‘lauk campur’ and plus soy drink. That was enough for the day.

The third day, Wednesday, I break fast at home with my family. I helped my mum to cook Nasi Beriyani because my father wanted to eat nasi Beriyani since the first day of Ramadan.
I was very full that day, i didn't manage to do Terawikh. On Thursday
was the most challenging day of the week for the fasting month. I had
class from 8am until 9pm. i was very2 exhausted that day. In the evening, it started to rain. I had to go to the bazaar to buy food for break fast. I was soaking wet that day. I didn't really get to concentrate on what to buy. That day, i only had "Cakoi" for breaking fast. The most sad thing is that, i had to break fast in the classroom.

On the weekends, me and my family break fast at my auntie's house in Bkt. Jelutong. My grandparents and other relatives were also there to break fast. There were many types of food on the table. My mother cooked 'ayam percik', my grandmother cooked 'bubur lambok', my aunt Ty made spageti and mee curry, and my aunt Ra made Nasi Kerabu. We had a very wonderful time breaking fast together. Ramadan really unites our family. Its not easy to meet all our relatives, especially during weekdays. So, ramadan is the best time to get together.

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