Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Journal Entry 6


I, the undesired heart

Wanting to be heard

Wanting to be seen

Wanting to be loved

For many years I suffered

Each & every moment, tears never fade away

Heart-broken, despair and misery

Craving for attention

Daddy, never seems to realize the existence of me

Mummy, was never there when I needed her

Siblings seems to never bothered

Friends, no one cares

I longed to be kissed

I longed to be hugged

My thoughts & opinions was never agreed

Nor my needs or my desire

What only matters was themselves

But what about me?

I, the undesired heart

Sacrified my happiness to make them happy

Sacrified my ambition to make them proud

But nothing is worth it

Oh life....

How I wish a could change everything

How I wish I wasn't even born into this crucial world

Sorry heart, its our fate.

Saturday, September 20, 2008

“The Fascinating Sight”

First time, second time or a hundred times
Never bored of the fascinating sight
Always aspiring and admiring
The eyes of the sight viewers

The sea was blue and the clouds were white
What a loser if you never tried once
The waves splashing the air cooling
Like a place with full of hearts

The ocean was astonishing
The sea creatures can be seen from above
They can’t hide nor cover themselves
That is why it is called the fascinating sight

“The Beauty”

Never seen such a beauty before
The sky was blue also the sea
The air was breezing but not freezing
Let me be there till I die

The fish, big ones and small ones
Swimming and splashing
Eager to leave such beauty
It’s their life and aspiration

The beauty was not made up
But a true story with proofs
Everyone should go there to see and feel
That the beauty exist not just a story

“A Piece of Me”

Everyone, come look at me
See me dance and shake like me
Once in a week, let’s get together
Hear the music and feel it heal

The old days were fine and enjoyable
You were behind me, dancing with old Jacky
But me, all alone, can’t you see

That night was a fascinating
But seeing you with old Jacky was heartbreaking
I dance like crazy just to make you realize
A piece of me...

Friday, September 19, 2008



Poor old Blackie
Dancing alone
Shaking and twisting ala Tango
Do you still remember that sound?
Crack Cruck Crock
Only the wooden floors respond

Hello Blackie
Look around
Others with pairs
But you "upstairs"

Your shirt, pants, teeth..
All white..or maybe yellow your teeth
I don't remember
Because it was taken years ago

Oh Blackie
Can't you see
No one wants to dance with you..
Neither me
Because it was you
The undesirable dancer...


All neatly arranged
In different colored bookshelf's
Old ones, new ones & even torn ones
All full of glories...

Each & every day
I will be sitting in the palace
Touching & feeling each and every books
With love and care
Flipping page by page with full attention
Knowing that one day I will gain information

The palace of knowledge
Forever generous and never stingy
Night and day
No matter when, the palace of knowledge
Will never fade
And always welcome those who are thirst for knowledge
A person like me

The palace of knowledge
Your my love and aspiration
Always in my heart
And I'm yours forever

Saturday, September 13, 2008


Ramadan finally returns. This is the 21 time I am celebrating Ramadan. And soon Aidilfitri will arrive. That is the time everybody’s waiting for. This semester, fasting is quite exhausting. The weather is getting hotter and hotter day by day. And sometimes, heavy rain comes. And because of the rain, i have to cancel my plan going to the bazaar. The weather is unpredictable. The first day of fasting started quite fine because there was no class on that particular day. UiTM was on holiday. I break fast at home with my beloved family.Me and my mother cooked Nasi Ayam, favorite...

The second day of fasting was on Tuesday. I had class until 5pm. It was very exhausting because I started class early in the morning. At about 8am I was already at the faculty and finished class at 5pm. It was alreadt late at the evening. I know, if i go home at that particular time, it means that i will be breaking fast in the bus or at the bustop. I decided to break fast at the faculty with my friends, Irwan,Tajul and Niza. That day, I eat rice and ‘lauk campur’ and plus soy drink. That was enough for the day.

The third day, Wednesday, I break fast at home with my family. I helped my mum to cook Nasi Beriyani because my father wanted to eat nasi Beriyani since the first day of Ramadan.
I was very full that day, i didn't manage to do Terawikh. On Thursday
was the most challenging day of the week for the fasting month. I had
class from 8am until 9pm. i was very2 exhausted that day. In the evening, it started to rain. I had to go to the bazaar to buy food for break fast. I was soaking wet that day. I didn't really get to concentrate on what to buy. That day, i only had "Cakoi" for breaking fast. The most sad thing is that, i had to break fast in the classroom.

On the weekends, me and my family break fast at my auntie's house in Bkt. Jelutong. My grandparents and other relatives were also there to break fast. There were many types of food on the table. My mother cooked 'ayam percik', my grandmother cooked 'bubur lambok', my aunt Ty made spageti and mee curry, and my aunt Ra made Nasi Kerabu. We had a very wonderful time breaking fast together. Ramadan really unites our family. Its not easy to meet all our relatives, especially during weekdays. So, ramadan is the best time to get together.

My Favourite Fiction Character.....

Since I was small, I was exposed to fairy tales stories such as Snow White, Cinderella, Beauty and The Beast, Sleeping Beauty and many more. Every night, my mother or my father will read fairy tale stories before I go to sleep. My parents also bought me vcd on fairy tales stories. Besides just listening to the story, I also get to watch the movie on my favorite fictional characters. I love all those fictional character especially Cinderella. I love the part when fairy god mother turned Cinderella into a very beautiful girl, wearing a very gorgeous looking gown and not to forget the glass shoe. Sometimes I even wished to become like them but that is only a dream.

However, Cinderella was my childhood favorite fictional character. Now I am 21 years old. I start to love watching action movies and began to like watching superhero movies. Many superhero movie I have watched, for example, Superman, X-Men, Spiderman, Batman Begins, Fantastic Four and many more. The latest movie that I have watched was “The Dark Knight”. The movie was fantastic and unbelievable. To me, it was the movie of the decade. What makes me love the movie was the character of Joker. I must say, at this particular moment, my favorite fictional character is The Joker. Its not that I have become a betrayal because no longer admiring Batman from that movie but to me, The Joker’s character is more happening and very incredible. Although he is the antagonist in the movie, but in my opinion, it’s not wrong to admire such character. For those who have not yet watched “The Dark Knight”, please get the DVD as soon as possible. If not, you are considered a loser for losing your once in a lifetime opportunity..


Invent a character who owns these things. Write up to 250 words the character, incorporating some of the objects into your description.

-Leather Jacket
-Business Card
-Dusty Radio
-Silver Locket with Inscription
-Bottle of Herbal Medicine
-Rugby Ball
-Fortune Telling Cards
-Jar of sharpened Pencils
-Brand New Laptop

One day, Mr. Blobby went for a walk at the park. It was winter at that time and Mr. Blobby was freezing to death. Then, suddenly Mr. Blobby found a leather jacket full of holes and dirt. He put on the leather jacket and went home. As he was walking home, his hands mingled around the pockets of the leather jacket. Suddenly, he found a business card with no name on and no address on it but only written “Business Card” on it. When he reached home, he put the business card on a dusty radio and all of a sudden, the dusty radio turned into a silver locket with an inscription on it. Mr. Blobby was very surprised and at the same time, shocked. Out of the blue, Mr. Blobby’s heart was beating fast. It was heart attack. Mr. Blobby went to the kitchen to take a bottle of herbal medicine. In just a few seconds, Mr. Blobby turned into a rugby ball. He was very frightened and don’t know what to do.

He then remembered that his neighbor was a fortune teller and maybe might get to help him to turn back into a human being. So, as a rugby ball with no legs, Mr. Blobby rolled himself to the fortune teller’s house. As soon as he reached the door, Mr. Blobby greets the neighbor, “Assalamualaikum….” And Alhamdullillah the neighbor was home. Mr. Blobby explained everything to the fortune teller and then the fortune teller took out the fortune-telling cards. The fortune teller told Mr. Blobby that based on the fortune telling cards, there is only one way to change him back to human and that is, the fortune teller must stab Mr. Blobby with a jar full of sharpened pencils. Mr. Blobby knows that it might hurt but he is willing to do anything to change himself back to human. The fortune teller then took a jar of sharpened pencils and stab Mr. Blobby. Unfortunately, turned into a brand new laptop, complete with Vista operating system, webcam, speaker and a mouse. The fortune teller was shocked to see what had happened to Mr. Blobby. But greed overtakes the fortune teller. He suddenly decided to keep the laptop to himself. Poor Mr. Blobby. The end....